Past Workshops

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Engaging Vitality Module 3
Fluid Dynamics and the use of Extraordinary Meridians in the Practice of Acupuncture

Clerkenwell Being on Gosling Road, London
2nd & 3rd March 2019

With Felix De Haas and Manuel Rodríguez Cuadras

In the third weekend you’ll be building upon all the skills you have learned so far, and you’ll start working with the Yin Tide and the Fluid Body as a means to access the deepest states of stillness and coherence, and as way to tap into profound self-regulatory mechanisms. As a means to work with the Fluid Body you will be presented with the Morphology of the Extraordinary Vessels and how to work with it in clinic.

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Engaging Vitality Module 2
Intermediate Techniques in Qi Palpation in the Practice of Acupuncture

Clerkenwell Being on Gosling Road, London
2nd & 3rd February 2019

With Rayén Antón & Ferdinand Beck

In the second weekend additional palpation techniques are introduced which build upon the techniques from the first weekend. You’ll be presented with a global way of listening to the entire body in just a few seconds! This global assessement can quickly guide you to the problem area where you can apply your already learnt tools – Local Listening, Yang Rhythm listening, Manual Thermal Evaluation etc. You’ll also discover and learn how to determine whether a channel is actively involved in a problem area, and understand how it changes when the disturbance is resolved.

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Engaging Vitality - Core Training
Opening to the Source
with Dan Bensky

City College of Acupuncture, London
6th & 7th October 2018

In this introductory workshop (Module 1) you will be introduced to very practical, accessible and easy-to-apply techniques to feel Qi in your patients’ body. This palpation based workshop has been developed by Dan Bensky, Chip Chace and Marguerite Dinkins, integrating classical Chinese medicine theory with osteopathic practices.

The Engaging Vitality Core Training comprises three weekend modules. By the end of this three module programme you will have gained sufficient understanding of this approach to fully incorporate it into your practice in a meaningful way. In the first weekend we were introduced to the EV approach of palpation and listening.

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Moxibustion Masterclass
with Junji Mizutani

City College of Acupuncture, London
24th & 25th September 2016

Mizutani Sensei is a leading authority on Moxibustion and has established his approach over decades of practice. In this workshop you will learn new & effective practical skills that will be a valuable additional tool to your practice and can be applied immediately in your clinic.

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Explorations of Traditional Moxibustion
with Junji Mizutani

City College of Acupuncture, London
11th & 12th October 2014

This rare opportunity should not be missed. Mizutani Sensei is a master of his art. His style of Japanese direct moxibustion is safe, comfortable & effective, and can be used with all styles of acupuncture. You will learn new practical skills that will be a valuable additional tool to your practice, and can be applied immediately in your clinic.